March 28, 2025
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Peter Gabriel’s Latest Projects and Updates.

Peter Gabriel has been busy with various projects recently. His latest album, “i/o,” was released in December 2023, marking his first studio album in 21 years ¹. The album features 12 tracks, each with two stereo mixes: the “Bright-Side Mix” and the “Dark-Side Mix” ¹. Additionally, a third Dolby Atmos mix, dubbed the “In-Side Mix,” is included on a three-disc CD release of “i/o” ¹.
Gabriel has also been touring, with his “i/o The Tour” kicking off in Europe in May 2023 and continuing in North America later that year ². The tour features Gabriel playing new material from “i/o” as well as delving into his extensive catalog of music ².
In other news, Mercury Studios released “Back to Front – Live in London” on 4K Ultra High Definition Blu-ray in May 2024, capturing Gabriel’s complete live performance of the “So” album from start to finish ³. Gabriel has also been featured in a new interview about his song “Biko” in Songlines and has shared soundwaves artwork for War Child ⁴.

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